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Download the HTML and CSS Code for Creating a Facebook Login Page - Easy and Free

How to Download HTML Code for Facebook Login Page

Have you ever wondered how to create a custom Facebook login page for your website or app? A Facebook login page is a webpage that allows users to sign in with their Facebook account, without leaving your site or app. This can help you increase user engagement, retention, and trust, as well as collect valuable user data and permissions.

In this article, you will learn how to download HTML code for Facebook login page with CSS, and how to customize it to suit your needs. You will also learn about alternative methods to create a Facebook login page using the Facebook SDK for JavaScript or manually building a login flow. By the end of this article, you will be able to create a stunning and functional Facebook login page that will impress your users and boost your conversions.

download html code for facebook login page

How to Download HTML Code for Facebook Login Page with CSS

One of the easiest ways to create a Facebook login page is to download HTML code from online sources. There are many websites that offer free HTML codes for Facebook style login pages, such as . These codes are usually simple and easy to use, but they may not be updated regularly or reflect the latest design changes from Facebook.

To download HTML code for Facebook login page with CSS, follow these steps:

  • Choose a website that offers HTML codes for Facebook login pages, such as .

  • Copy the code from the website and save it as an index.html file on your computer.

  • Open the index.html file in a text editor or an HTML editor of your choice.

  • Paste the code into the file and save it.

  • Open the index.html file in a browser to see how it looks.

How to Customize the Code to Match Your Branding and Design Preferences

Once you have downloaded the HTML code for Facebook login page, you may want to customize it to match your branding and design preferences. For example, you may want to change the colors, fonts, images, logos, or text on the page. To do so, you will need some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, which are the languages used to create webpages.

To customize the code, follow these steps:

  • Open the index.html file in a text editor or an HTML editor of your choice.

  • Locate the elements that you want to change, such as <title>, <h1>, <p>, <input>, <a>, or <img>.

  • Edit the content or attributes of these elements according to your needs. For example, you can change the text inside <title> or <h1>, or change the value of src attribute in <img> to use your own image.

If you want to change the style of these elements, such as the color, font, size, or alignment, you can use CSS rules to modify them. CSS rules are usually written inside <style> tags or in a separate file linked to the HTML file. For example, you can change the color of the <h1> element to blue by adding this rule inside <style> tags: h1

color: blue;

  • Save the index.html file and refresh the browser to see the changes.

How to Test and Preview Your Facebook Login Page

After you have customized the HTML code for Facebook login page, you may want to test and preview it before publishing it on your website or app. To do so, you will need to create a Facebook app and configure it to use Facebook login. This will allow you to test the functionality and appearance of your Facebook login page, as well as get access to user data and permissions.

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Alternatives to downloading html code for facebook login page

To test and preview your Facebook login page, follow these steps:

  • Go to and log in with your Facebook account.

  • Click on Create App and choose a name and category for your app.

  • Click on Set Up next to Facebook Login.

  • Select Web as the platform for your app.

  • Enter the URL of your index.html file as the Site URL. For example, if you have saved the file on your desktop, you can enter file:///C:/Users/YourName/Desktop/index.html.

  • Click on Save and then on Continue.

  • Copy the code snippet that appears on the screen and paste it into your index.html file, right after the opening <body> tag.

  • This code snippet will load the Facebook SDK for JavaScript and initialize your app. It will also add a button that will trigger the Facebook login dialog when clicked.

  • Save the index.html file and open it in a browser.

  • Click on the button that says Login with Facebook. You should see a popup window that asks you to log in with your Facebook account and grant permissions to your app.

  • If everything works fine, you should see a message that says You are logged in as [your name].

  • You can also check the console of your browser's developer tools to see the user data and permissions returned by Facebook.

Alternative Methods to Create a Facebook Login Page

If you don't want to download HTML code for Facebook login page, or if you want more control and flexibility over your login page, you can also use other methods to create a Facebook login page. Here are two alternative methods that you can try:

How to Use the Facebook SDK for JavaScript to Implement Facebook Login on Your Webpage

The Facebook SDK for JavaScript is a library that allows you to integrate Facebook features and services into your webpage. One of these features is Facebook login, which lets you authenticate users with their Facebook account and get access to their data and permissions. You can use the Facebook SDK for JavaScript to implement Facebook login on any webpage, without downloading any HTML code.

To use the Facebook SDK for JavaScript to implement Facebook login on your webpage, follow these steps:

  • Create a Facebook app and configure it to use Facebook login, as explained in the previous section.

Create an HTML file for your webpage and add a button or a link that will trigger the Facebook login dialog when clicked. For example, you can add this code to your HTML file: <button id="fb-login">Login with Facebook</button>

Add a script tag that loads the Facebook SDK for JavaScript at the end of your HTML file. For example, you can add this code: <script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="

Add another script tag that initializes your app and adds an event listener to your button or link. For example, you can add this code: <script>

// Initialize your app

window.fbAsyncInit = function()


appId : 'your-app-id', // Replace with your app ID

cookie : true, version : 'v12.0'



// Add an event listener to your button or link

document.getElementById('fb-login').addEventListener('click', function()

// Call the login method from the SDK


// Check the login status

if (response.status === 'connected')

// User is logged in and has granted permissions

console.log('You are logged in as ' + response.authResponse.userID);

// You can also get the user data and permissions from the response



// User is not logged in or has not granted permissions

console.log('Login failed');

, scope: 'email'); // Specify the permissions you want to request



  • Save the HTML file and open it in a browser.

  • Click on the button or link that says Login with Facebook. You should see a popup window that asks you to log in with your Facebook account and grant permissions to your app.

  • If everything works fine, you should see a message in the console that says You are logged in as [your user ID].

  • You can also see the user data and permissions returned by Facebook in the console.

How to Manually Build a Login Flow Using Browser Redirects and OAuth

If you want more control and flexibility over your Facebook login page, you can also manually build a login flow using browser redirects and OAuth. OAuth is a standard protocol that allows users to authorize third-party applications to access their data and services, without sharing their passwords. Facebook login uses OAuth 2.0, which is the latest version of OAuth.

To manually build a login flow using browser redirects and OAuth, follow these steps:

  • Create a Facebook app and configure it to use Facebook login, as explained in the previous section.

Create an HTML file for your webpage and add a button or a link that will redirect the user to the Facebook login dialog when clicked. For example, you can add this code to your HTML file: <a href=" with Facebook</a>

  • In this code, you need to replace your-app-id with your app ID, and your-redirect-uri with the URL of your webpage where you want the user to return after logging in. You also need to specify the permissions you want to request using the scope parameter.

  • Save the HTML file and open it in a browser.

  • Click on the button or link that says Login with Facebook. You should be redirected to the Facebook login dialog, where you need to log in with your Facebook account and grant permissions to your app.

After logging in, you should be redirected back to your webpage, with an authorization code appended to the URL. For example, you should see something like this:

  • This authorization code is a temporary token that you can use to exchange for an access token, which is a long-lived token that allows you to access user data and permissions.

To exchange the authorization code for an access token, you need to make a server-side request to Facebook using any programming language or framework of your choice. For example, you can use PHP and cURL to make this request: <?php

// Define your app ID, app secret, redirect URI, and authorization code

$app_id = "your-app-id";

$app_secret = "your-app-secret";

$redirect_uri = "your-redirect-uri";

$code = $_GET["code"]; // Get the authorization code from the URL

// Build the URL for exchanging the authorization code for an access token

$url = "

// Make a cURL request to Facebook

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$response = curl_exec($ch);

// Parse the response as a JSON object

$response = json_decode($response, true);

// Get the access token from the response

$access_token = $response["access_token"];

// You can now use the access token to make requests to the Graph API

echo "Your access token is: $access_token";


  • Save this file as a PHP file on your server and run it. You should see a message that says Your access token is: [your access token].

You can now use the access token to make requests to the Graph API, which is the main interface for accessing user data and permissions from Facebook. For example, you can use this URL to get the user's name and email:

  • You can also use any programming language or framework of your choice to make requests to the Graph API, as long as you include the access token in the request.


In this article, you have learned how to download HTML code for Facebook login page with CSS, and how to customize it to match your branding and design preferences. You have also learned how to test and preview your Facebook login page, and how to use alternative methods to create a Facebook login page using the Facebook SDK for JavaScript or manually building a login flow using browser redirects and OAuth.

By creating a custom Facebook login page for your website or app, you can provide a seamless and secure user experience, as well as collect valuable user data and permissions. This can help you increase user engagement, retention, and trust, as well as boost your conversions and revenue.

If you want to learn more about Facebook login and how to integrate it with your website or app, you can visit the website, where you will find more resources, tutorials, and documentation. You can also contact me if you have any questions or feedback about this article.


  • Q: How do I download HTML code for Facebook login page?

  • A: You can download HTML code for Facebook login page from online sources, such as . These codes are usually simple and easy to use, but they may not be updated regularly or reflect the latest design changes from Facebook.

  • Q: How do I customize the code to match my branding and design preferences?

  • A: You can customize the code by editing the content or attributes of the HTML elements, such as <title>, <h1>, <p>, <input>, <a>, or <img>. You can also change the style of these elements using CSS rules, which are usually written inside <style> tags or in a separate file linked to the HTML file.

  • Q: How do I test and preview my Facebook login page?

  • A: You can test and preview your Facebook login page by creating a Facebook app and configuring it to use Facebook login. This will allow you to test the functionality and appearance of your Facebook login page, as well as get access to user data and permissions. You can also check the console of your browser's developer tools to see the user data and permissions returned by Facebook.

  • Q: What are some alternative methods to create a Facebook login page?

  • A: Some alternative methods to create a Facebook login page are using the Facebook SDK for JavaScript or manually building a login flow using browser redirects and OAuth. These methods give you more control and flexibility over your login page, but they also require more coding skills and knowledge of Facebook APIs.

  • Q: What are the benefits of creating a custom Facebook login page for my website or app?

  • A: Creating a custom Facebook login page for your website or app can help you increase user engagement, retention, and trust, as well as collect valuable user data and permissions. This can help you boost your conversions and revenue, as well as improve your user experience and security.


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